About Us
We are committed to the missio Dei: God's Mission.
We are committed to the belief that all Spirit-empowered believers may be at the forefront of the mission of God.
We are committed to partnership at every level.
We are committed to the church.
We are committed to the financial enablement and participation of all partners.

“The Bible school plays an essential role in training. It is vital that national churches prioritize Bible schools and support them to train future leaders.”
—Dr. Arthur Seraphin MBA,
2nd Vice President of the Assemblies of God of Gabon

What We Do
Through our network of distribution centers we can quickly distribute our training materials throughout Africa.
Training Today Newsletter
Our digital newsletter helps to facilitate information sharing, to inspire and build community among trainers in Africa.
Regional Conferences
Our regional conferences promote opportunities for the edification of trainers and the enrichment of training programs.
Preparation for Endorsement and Accreditation
We provide on-site consultations and assistance with self-studies for all levels of training.