New Testament Survey

NT100 Walter M. Dunnett From Matthew to Revelation, this course examines the Gospels, history, epistles, and prophecies of the New Testament. Each book is treated individually with an outline and sections on background, themes, and key issues.

The Life of Christ in the Synoptic Gospels

NT205 Mike McClaflin This study of Matthew, Mark, and Luke focuses on the events of Jesus’ life as well as His message and methods. The student is encouraged to develop a clear commitment to live by the values and principles Jesus demonstrated.

Acts: The Spirit of God in Mission

NT215 Denzil R. Miller More than just another commentary on Acts, this is a guidebook for present-day Spirit-empowered ministry. The student is encouraged to seek the experience of the early church and practice the same strategies and methods they...

Romans and Galatians: God’s Plan of Salvation

NT220 Stephen Chaloner (In production) These two epistles form the basis of Christian thought in matters concerning salvation. Foundational subjects such as universal sin, justification by faith, sanctification of the believer, and instructions for practical,...

The Corinthian Letters: Unity Amid Diversity

NT225 Dan York and Tim Lord Facets of the heart and soul of the apostle Paul can be seen through this study of the Corinthian letters. Paul’s example is used as a model of how a godly leader should respond to personal attacks and various problems in the...