Systematic Theology II

TH305 James H. Railey (In production) This is the second text on systematic theology and will cover the remaining major themes of Christianity not covered in the first book.

Advanced Hermeneutics: Understanding the Bible in Context

TH310 Craig S. Keener This course will improve students’ ability to study the Scriptures by teaching how to understand the Bible in its context. Various levels of context are explored, such as the context within verses, paragraphs, whole books, and genres. After...

Compassion and the Local Church

TH320 Jerry Ireland (In production) This text helps pastors and lay leaders address the often overwhelming issues related to the church’s compassion mandate. It sets forth biblical foundations and practical guidelines designed to help churches engage their communities...

A Biblical Theology of Missions

TH220 Paul York This book examines the mission of God, the missio Dei, found throughout the Bible. Practical implications are followed for those called to pastor, evangelize, disciple, and move across cultural barriers with the gospel.

Hermeneutics: Interpreting the Bible

TH110 Quentin McGhee and Francis Jones This text gives students instruction in the science and art of biblical interpretation and its basic principles. It also presents specific units on interpreting covenants, parables, and prophecy.